About Us

New Bethel is a transformative ministry centered on Biblical principles that cater to the family. We are a multi-national body that embraces culture and empowers individuals and families to live lives worthy of God’s calling.

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New Bethel is an effective global apostolic and prophetic ministry, manifesting the supernatural power of God and transforming lives.

Our humble story began in February 2007, when Prophetess Jacqueline Swaby, her mother Mrs. Williams, and Apostle Swaby were in prayer and fasting and received prophetic direction. They knew conclusively that they were called and chosen by God to establish a ministry with a people “Chosen by God for such a time as this.” The Holy Spirit spoke clearly to Apostle Devon to build Him a house that He may tabernacle among His people. During this revelation, the Lord said that this house would be a special place where miracles, signs and wonders would be prevalent. The Lord also said that this place would be a gateway from heaven into the earth realm, signifying that this would be a prophetic, apostolic and pioneering ministry. This mandate facilitated the building of this spiritual house established on the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ, consisting of individuals from all nationalities, classes and cultures united in exuberant praise, worship and prayer.